About me

My name is Niamh Lennon, Founder and Creative behind this little side hustle business specialising in bespoke handcrafted decor pieces. 

My husband and I relocated home to Ireland 2 years ago, after 10 glorious years living in Vancouver, Canada. We have settled in John's hometown of Belturbet, Cavan and we are currently building our dream home. It still shocks me to say, but we now have 3 small kids - James, Jack & Sadie and the world's best looking golden retriever George. It's been a busy few years to say the least!

Lurgancot Lane began on my second maternity leave with Jack during the 2021 Pandemic. My best friend was living in New York at the time, was expecting her first baby and missing home. I wanted to create something for her nursery that would remind her of Ireland. Alas, the Sheep Mobile was born.

Off back of this piece, I had a logo designed, opened an Etsy shop, and just kept creating to my hearts content. I now have a full craft studio in my home which we call 'The Rainbow Room' (not very original I know!) and I'm never happier than when I can find some time to sit in it and just create. 

I am currently on maternity leave with Miss Sadie Lennon, and during her naps, I am working on my website, and a new slate of products. I am most excited about my DIY kits and can't wait to share more in the weeks and months ahead.

Thanks for being here, and supporting my passion. I feel so grateful for you. 

The story behind the name

We all have that place where our childhood memories grow the deepest roots and for me that was the magical countryside of Lurgancot Lane, deep in the heart of County Armagh in Ireland.

Home to my grandparents Patsy and Sadie McKeever,  it was a foreign haven for a city slicker like myself (or so my Nana liked to call me). There were many cousins to play with, many trees to climb, ample places to explore and always the very best of people to meet.

I have vivid memories of climbing the spindly stairs to Nanas attic where my Uncle Joseph stored reams of paper from his college days. I don’t know what it was but I was fascinated by paper all the days of my life, chopping up anything I could find, make-shifting decorations and god knows what else. White paper, brown paper thin paper, thick. Paper that looked like linen cloth, and smelled like moths!

Nana eventually told Joseph that I was visiting the attic every day, hoarding samples of his paper. He must have found this strange but at the same time, he wrapped a ream of paper tied up with a red bow and gifted it to me. That really was a special gift as was my childhood visiting Lurgancot Lane.